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will a hit-and-run claim raise my insurance

Will a Hit-And-Run Claim Raise My Insurance?

A hit-and-run accident shouldn’t cause you to have an increase in your auto insurance premium if you aren’t at fault. With that said, some circumstances and carriers may also cause you to pay a higher premium. There are laws in Texas to help mitigate hit-and-runs, however, this doesn’t mean they aren’t a common issue for drivers. You can protect yourself with uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage and if you are facing a premium increase due to a hit-and-run, shopping carriers can help you switch and save money.

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hurricane insurance

Texas Hurricane Insurance Resources – Definition, TWIA, and Coverage

In Texas, hurricane insurance primarily pertains to homeowners insurance featuring a hurricane deductible, especially in high-risk coastal areas. Additionally, it encompasses various policies like home/renters, windstorm, and flood insurance. Windstorm deductibles, based on a percentage of the home’s value, differ from standard homeowners insurance deductibles. Renters, drivers, and boat owners each have distinct needs for storm coverage in Texas. Regardless of your situation, securing coverage before hurricane season begins is crucial to avoid any potential lapses.

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Subrogation - Meaning, How Long, How To Deal With It, and More

Subrogation – Meaning, How Long, How To Deal With It, and More

Subrogation helps carriers reclaim compensation that is owed after a loss that may otherwise never be recouped. For example, subrogation in insurance can involve seeking compensation after an uninsured driver doesn’t help restore damage to your vehicle. There are waivers of subrogation that can give up a carrier’s right to pursue such legal matters as well. Furthermore, because legal issues can be a headache, drivers and homeowners need to understand their resources when facing this process.

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The Exodus of Insurance Providers from Texas: An Escalating Issue

In recent years, big storms hit places like Florida and Louisiana, and wildfires swept through California. Now, in 2024, Texas is facing a similar problem with insurance companies deciding to leave the state. This means it’s getting harder for people living in Texas to find good insurance for their homes and cars. Why Insurance is

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How Texas Drivers Can Navigate Pothole Damage Claims: A Comprehensive Handbook

I n Texas, the ubiquity of potholes on roads isn’t just an inconvenience; it’s a stark indicator of public infrastructure in need of attention. More than just a nuisance, these potholes pose a significant risk of damage to vehicles, setting up drivers for a unique challenge. Unlike typical road incidents that involve another party, dealing

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do insurance companies go after uninsured drivers

Do Insurance Companies Go After Uninsured Drivers?

Through subrogation, insurance companies can pursue compensation from uninsured drivers in the courtroom. However, the process is far from a guarantee and is a lengthy, complicated process. In some cases, carriers may forgo the process altogether. If you are an uninsured driver, you are still at legal risk that may prove criminal depending on the circumstances of your accident.

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