Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Tornado Damage?

A tornado moving through the Texas plains.

Summary: Covering your home, vehicle, and personal belongings from tornado damage is possible through insurance. Although some homeowners in Texas may need additional coverage, standard home insurance policies protect against tornado damage and windstorms. Comparing the coverage options near you will yield the best results for your protection and budget. Estimated Read Time: 2 mins

Most Texans have coverage from tornado damage through home insurance. If you live near the Gulf of Mexico, however, you may need additional windstorm insurance depending on your homeowners policy.

For those who live near the coast, the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) offers policies and you may also be able to add windstorm coverage from various carriers near you.

A standard homeowners insurance policy (HO3) is going to generally protect against windstorms, which include tropical storms and hurricanes as well as severe thunderstorms.

Understanding whether or not a policy from TWIA or a standard carrier is right for your home varies from person to person.

Be sure to compare rates and coverage options from multiple companies to find the best protection at the lowest cost.

Does Car Insurance Cover Tornado Damage?

Texas drivers can rely on comprehensive car insurance to protect against tornado damage and any other weather-related peril that may affect their vehicles.

Keep in mind if you have the bare minimum, liability-only insurance, you won’t be covered from losses involving acts of nature.

Tornado insurance coverage only comes from comprehensive coverage, which is an additional protection you’ll need to add.

If you have full coverage, double-check your policy to be sure, however, most policies will include liability, comprehensive, and collision coverages.

Does Renters Insurance Cover Tornado Damage?

Windstorm damage, such as the damage caused by tornadoes, is covered by renters insurance.

While you don’t need to worry about the home itself, your personal property still needs protection, which is why renters insurance is so important.

Just like a homeowners policy, your renters coverage will help you cover many different types of windstorms should your personal belongings become damaged during these weather events.

While bolstered due to its size, Texas is the leading state for the average number of tornadoes per year.

Still, these windstorm events are somewhat common and a threat to homeowners, drivers, and renters alike.

If you’re looking to stay covered for less, contact us or get a quote using the button at the top of the page.


1. What is windstorm insurance?, TDI. Accessed July 2024.

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